Page name: Boredom RP [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-02-27 02:12:40
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Boredom RP

Well, this is one of those rps for people who are extremely bored. I, [XxTsomexX] am one of those people. Come! Join my rp made out of sheer boredom! its all random, funny moments!!!! :P Its now being revived.

Only 2 characters per person please :)
Owner: [XxTsomexX] As Elli and Johnathan
1. [Blood Sucking Beauty] as Tonani and Damion
2. [Bella HeartAttack] as Isabella
3. [Iruvielle] as Madelaine
4. [Piercedskull] as Zanon and Zimia
5. [HardRockAngel] as Greg an Dawn.
6. [Tony Stark] as Tapioka
7. [Vampire Princess Twilight] as Twilight
Your character Bio goes here: Boredom RP Characters

Current rp: Boredom RP 1

Username (or number or email):


2007-02-17 [XxTsomexX]: weee!

2007-02-17 [Iruvielle]: WOOOOT, boredom rp!!!! this'll be fun! XD

2007-02-17 [~Crimson Angel~]: cool

2007-02-17 [KnightAngel]: Me wanna join :P

2007-02-17 [XxTsomexX]: then join lol

2007-02-17 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol

2007-02-17 [KnightAngel]: Hehe I will, anyone remember the name of those multitailed fox-demons?

2007-02-17 [XxTsomexX]: kyuubi

2007-02-17 [KnightAngel]: Thank you! ^_^

2007-02-17 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol

2007-02-19 [IonicRose]: bored.... so bored....

2007-02-19 [XxTsomexX]: lol then join :P

2007-02-20 [Mooncows Shadow]: I'm bored... and tired...

2007-02-20 [XxTsomexX]: you should join!!

2007-02-20 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: AHH OLIVER TWIST join join join join!!

2007-02-20 [XxTsomexX]: its your turn to rp anyways bb lol

2007-02-20 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: is it? haha otay.

2007-02-20 [XxTsomexX]: well, someone has to stop Feria from beating Cheza to a pulp with a spatula

2007-02-20 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: ehh or we just stand and watch...why m i always the one to stop things? i stop aki from running around like a fool n ima stop u 2 from fighting. hahaha WOW!

2007-02-20 [XxTsomexX]: lol

2007-02-20 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: ill have OLIVER TWIST to break them up. haha thatll b how shadow comes into the scene. haha YAY!

2007-02-21 [XxTsomexX]: ^_^

2007-02-21 [Mooncows Shadow]: ???

2007-02-21 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: wut?

2007-02-21 [Mooncows Shadow]: its a bit risky saying Oliver on E.T... ANY one could get his name!!!

2007-02-21 [XxTsomexX]: ?

2007-02-21 [Mooncows Shadow]: never mind

2007-02-21 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: oy vey. fine..SHADOW!

2007-02-21 [Mooncows Shadow]: ehhh.. call me what ever you want. I changed me mind! ^^

2007-02-21 [XxTsomexX]: *glomp* ll call you bob the magic monkey!

2007-02-21 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: YAY! OLIVER TWIST!!!!!!!!!! YEEEHEEEE!!!!

2007-02-23 [~Crimson Angel~]: hello

2007-02-23 [Iruvielle]: hallo!!!!

2007-02-23 [XxTsomexX]: HALLOO!!!!!

2007-02-23 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-02-23 [XxTsomexX]: weeee!

2007-02-23 [Mooncows Shadow]: Bonjour

2007-02-23 [XxTsomexX]: fwee!

2007-02-23 [Mooncows Shadow]: hows your french?

2007-02-23 [XxTsomexX]: not too bad...

2007-03-10 [Mooncows Shadow]: :(

2007-03-10 [XxTsomexX]: ?

2007-03-10 [Mooncows Shadow]: <img:stuff/mood13-gif.gif>

2007-03-10 [XxTsomexX]: you ok?

2007-03-10 [Mooncows Shadow]: not really. i feal empty inside

2007-03-10 [XxTsomexX]: :( *hugs*

2007-03-10 [Iruvielle]: join the club! -.-

2007-03-11 [~Crimson Angel~]: <img:61691_1132936287.gif>

2007-03-17 [Hill Nation 1]: BOOBALLY BOO!!!<img:stuff/mood10_gif.gif><img:stuff/mood10_gif.gif>

TEE HEE<img:stuff/sh-gif.gif>


2007-03-17 [XxTsomexX]: XD


2007-03-21 [XxTsomexX]: myu?

2007-03-21 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: wuts that mean neways? lol

2007-03-21 [XxTsomexX]: i dunno, its a sound effect...

2007-03-21 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: uhhuh lol

2007-03-22 [~Crimson Angel~]: sup?

2007-03-22 [XxTsomexX]: not much ^^

2007-03-22 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol

2007-03-23 [Mooncows Shadow]: Sorry but shadow is out of the story!

2007-03-23 [Mooncows Shadow]: and shodas

2007-03-23 [Iruvielle]: it's ok!!! but why?? they just disappeared??

2007-03-23 [Mooncows Shadow]: Shadows gone to hell to fight and shodas wondered off...

2007-03-23 [Iruvielle]: ooooooo ok... you should make another character to jump in...

2007-03-24 [XxTsomexX]: OMG!!!! I LOVE THE NAME!!!! XD TACCo!!!!!!

2007-03-24 [Koho Ai]: it sounds like taco which makes me hungry <img:44166_1164469610.gif>

2007-03-24 [Iruvielle]: HAHAHAHA!!!! ya eh??? Tacco's gonna be Aki's long lost cousin... one she didn't manage to kill off from the village... ^.^

2007-03-24 [XxTsomexX]: *nods*

2007-03-24 [Iruvielle]: lol

2007-03-24 [vampire of darkness]: tsome needs to do something for screamin banshie

2007-03-24 [XxTsomexX]: XD you mean Tsome!!! not t-some!! XD

2007-03-24 [vampire of darkness]: LOL Jessy, I have a message from megs dad, LOL he says its not the mother in law you have to worry about.... Dont worry your safe with me:)

2007-03-24 [XxTsomexX]: XD

2007-03-24 [Koho Ai]: *runs in hides under table in this area*

2007-03-24 [XxTsomexX]: awwww lol no worries, my dad may look scary, but his bark is worse than his bite

2007-03-24 [vampire of darkness]: LOL Hugsssssss Jessy, No worries honey, as meg says his bark is worse then his bite

2007-03-24 [Koho Ai]: *gets hugged* I'm not worried i just like hiding under the table

2007-03-24 [vampire of darkness]: LOL Well Meg is ganna get Kev into this, he wants to see what this is about:)

2007-03-24 [Koho Ai]: Who is Kev?

2007-03-24 [XxTsomexX]: oh geez

2007-03-24 [vampire of darkness]: Megs dad, is Kev:)

2007-03-24 [vampire of darkness]: and no you wont have to fun and hide:)

2007-03-24 [Koho Ai]: I don't recall Meg telling me father name.

2007-03-24 [vampire of darkness]: LOL I have meg in my room yelling at me not to scare you LOL

2007-03-24 [XxTsomexX]: XD

2007-03-24 [Koho Ai]: <img:stuff/mood14-gif.gif><img:131728_1138666879.gif>

2007-03-24 [XxTsomexX]: .... is that a gnome

2007-03-24 [Koho Ai]: I don't know

2007-03-24 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: itz sum1 from Harry Potter. or something lol all i no is its from Harry potter lol

2007-03-24 [Koho Ai]: a plant thing in the second one right

2007-03-24 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: YEA! thats it! those really annoying screaming plants!

2007-03-24 [XxTsomexX]: uuuuuuh a mandrake

2007-03-24 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: YEA YEA YEA!!!!!!!!!!!! HA! hahahahahaha
*dances n sings* IM SMART IM SMART!!

2007-03-25 [vampire of darkness]: Screachessssssssssss LOL

2007-03-25 [XxTsomexX]: *hides*

2007-03-25 [vampire of darkness]: Hey Tsome wakeie

2007-03-25 [XxTsomexX]: i am awake -.-

2007-03-25 [vampire of darkness]: LOL hiding again?

2007-03-25 [vampire of darkness]: hhmmmmmm shivering in fear? haha

2007-03-25 [XxTsomexX]: *nods*

2007-03-25 [vampire of darkness]: Tsome wakie

2007-03-25 [XxTsomexX]: <img:44166_1164145272.gif>

2007-03-25 [Iruvielle]: lol

2007-03-25 [vampire of darkness]: LOL

2007-03-25 [vampire of darkness]: Hmmm whats with the mad face?

2007-03-25 [vampire of darkness]: LOL and you call me slow? sheesh:)

2007-03-25 [XxTsomexX]: hey! i'm watchin a movie! bite me!! >.<

2007-03-25 [vampire of darkness]: LOL get ya but in here pls:)

2007-03-25 [XxTsomexX]: k -.-

2007-03-25 [Iruvielle]: *giggles* aww, megan, you and ur mom have such a cool relationship! LOL

2007-03-25 [vampire of darkness]: Kenji, Meg talks about you all the time:) And thanks I try to get involved in her life:). This is actually fun!!

2007-03-25 [Iruvielle]: ya, it is fun!!! and I didn't know she talks about me all the time!!! I'm soooooooo happy to be Meg's friend!!! She's awesome! And it's great to have ya in the rp!!!

2007-03-25 [vampire of darkness]: Thanks:)

2007-03-25 [~Crimson Angel~]: Hello

2007-03-25 [Iruvielle]: hey!

2007-03-26 [XxTsomexX]: hi

2007-03-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol how are you guys?

2007-03-26 [Iruvielle]: GREEEAT! XDD you?

2007-03-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: I'm good

2007-03-26 [XxTsomexX]: ^^

2007-03-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: hi

2007-04-27 [Keir Devlin]: XD LMAO! I went to Blood Sucking Beauty's page and I saw the art with Aki, Demon and Feria. XD And Keir in the background with garlic. XD LMAO Whee, I feel like I'm on craaaack. :p

2007-04-28 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol

2007-04-30 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: THIS GAME IS DYING! *falls to the ground and cries*

2007-04-30 [Iruvielle]: ya! :(

2007-04-30 [XxTsomexX]: XD

2007-05-03 [Izeiza]: WHEE!!! *flies in from nowhere and lands on knees, skids a couple feet* Flashy entrance! Oh yeah!! ^^

2007-05-03 [Vampire Princess Twilight]: .....

2007-05-03 [XxTsomexX]: lol

2007-05-03 [Izeiza]: *stares* Sorry. *drags feet to a corner* -.-

2007-05-03 [XxTsomexX]: its ok *glomps*

2007-05-03 [Izeiza]: hee! *ish happy and hugs back* Yay!!

2007-05-03 [XxTsomexX]: lol

2007-05-04 [Izeiza]: ^^ heehee

2007-05-04 [Vampire Princess Twilight]: *giggle*

2007-05-04 [Izeiza]: Okies, its done.

2007-05-04 [Iruvielle]: OMG!!! BB!!! YOU SHOULD JOIN THIS RP!!!!!!!

2007-05-04 [Izeiza]: I should? ^^'

2007-05-04 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: yes yes join join! new Chars r fun!

2007-05-04 [Iruvielle]: YES YES YES!!!!!!! *starts chanting and threatening a riot*

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